Leading with Trails — A Trails are Common Ground Guidebook

At Trails are Common Ground, we believe that trails are for everyone.

Yet as trails draw more and more diverse users, we’ve learned that one trail can’t always do it all. To really enjoy a trail requires that we be free from the worry of what we might encounter over the next rise or around the next corner.

Over the past 30 years, an entire profession has emerged dedicated to the planning, design, construction and management of great trails. Everyday, these trail professionals work to create new trail systems and improve existing trails to meet the evolving needs of the communities that use and love them.

This guide leans on their experience to share some of the most important considerations and best practices for trail planning so you can build support in your community. It includes statistics that make a compelling case to stakeholders and examples of communities who have succeeded in making their trail dreams a reality, so you can share examples of what modern trails look like and to show that yes, it can be done.

All trail projects have one thing in common: they began with a person just like you. Someone who recognized the need for new and better trails and took the initiative to start making it happen. When you lead with trails, your entire community benefits.

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Diversity & Inclusion Resources

The Partnership for the National Trails System is compiling resources to help us all become more aware, informed, and better equipped to take action. The resources include points of view, related organizations, resources for allies, and trails community statements.

Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Library

The Society of Outdoor Recreational Professionals’ digital library of state SCORPs is the only place you will find all 50 state SCORPs in one place.

American Trails Resource Library

Search thousands of articles, studies, trainings and projects on every aspect of trails and greenways.

List of Technical Resources

The Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals maintains a page with links to information on a comprehensive list of subject, from Accessibility to Visitor Use Management and everything in-between.

Accessibility Resource Library

This page supports the effort to organize and make available all information that relates to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or other accessibility resources that may affect research, planning, design, construction, or operations of any Federal Highway Administration project. Includes USFS Trail Accessibility Guidelines and other resources related to trail accessibility.

USFS Trail Management Tools

The Forest Service incorporates several standardized trail management concepts and tools in the administration and management of over 150,000 miles of National Forest System trails. These tools help ensure that each trail is designed, constructed, and maintained to provide the desired user experience and meet the management intent for the trail.

Outdoor Recreation Economic Impact By State

The Outdoor Recreation Roundtable’s page with the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) national statistics and state-level data that recognizes the critical role the industry plays in supporting economic growth in the United States.

Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council Resource Hub

The NOHVCC provides information and initiatives for land managers, club leaders and heavily engaged enthusiasts.

  • Do you have a tip, article or suggestion for a topic to add to this page? E-mail us.
American Trails Logo

The International Trails Symposium

The premier opportunity for the worldwide trails community. Every two years American Trails sponsors the International Trails Symposium to bring together trail and greenway advocates, managers, planners, and users, as well as tourism and business interests. The symposium is the largest gathering of all trail interests— professionals, managers, and users who believe their combined voices are the best way to strengthen trails for everyone.

PTBA - Logo

PTBA Sustainable Trails Conference

If you or your organization is involved in trail planning and design, construction and maintenance, or fundraising, marketing and management, this conference provides access to the world’s highest quality trail professionals – those like you who have made a passion for trails into a life’s work.


National Outdoor Recreation Conference

The National Outdoor Recreation Conference brings together recreation resource planners, land managers, organizational partners, researchers, consultants, innovators and leaders in outdoor recreation from across the the U.S. and North America.

World Trails Network Logo

World Trails Conference

Everyone from trail professionals and experts, to volunteers, academics and enthusiasts are invited to Greece for an inspiring in-person and hybrid gathering of trails. We come together to shape the future of trails. To learn from each other, to share insights and to network.