Working together is in our nature.

No matter our differences in backgrounds or how we choose to enjoy the great outdoors, trails create common ground that connects us. Access to trails is a privilege we acknowledge and can only safeguard through our actions toward one another. Treating each other with kindness in how we share the trails and interact with each other is more important than it has ever been. Everyone deserves to pursue happiness in nature. Let’s rise together to ensure a positive trail experience for all.


We can all do our part in making the trails places of Respect, Inclusivity, Safety, and Enjoyment for everyone. Whatever your chosen recreation activity on any given day, keep these four simple things in mind:

  • For the best trail experience possible, explore and embrace guidelines for local trails.
  • For safety, all trail users should yield to equestrians. For other right-of-way protocol, when in doubt, yield (with a smile).
  • Be accepting, inclusive, and welcoming of all identities, backgrounds, abilities, and speeds.
  • Be respectful of the history and customs of the original Indigenous and enslaved stewards of the land, and consider supporting restoration and efforts to protect the landscape.

Each individual trail activity does have its own set of etiquette guidelines. Note a few quick takeaways from each but visit our great partners to find out more.

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Trails are common ground TM


Trails are Common Ground™ is a proactive, growing, and inclusive national community of passionate trail users woven together by our love for trails and respect for one another. Together, we are dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment every time anyone steps, rides, or rolls onto the trail.


Whether you’re a company looking to support Trails are Common Ground, or an individual looking to celebrate Trails are Common Ground, we want your support!

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Do you believe trails should be for everyone and everyone should use them with Respect, Inclusivity, Safety and Enjoyment? Then RISE with us and post Trails are Common Ground on social to invite others to get on board. Here are some sized images to help you get started.


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